Grilled pita with baked potato

This is a pretty simple recipe and you can either make it for one or for a family. This recipe is for one.

For the pita you need:
1 pita wrap of your choice
1/5 of a red pepper, chopped
1/3 of a white onion, chopped
One garlic clove, chopped
1/3 of a tomato, sliced
4-5 slices of cucumber
5-7 slices of cheese of your choice
1 tablespoon each of ranch dressing and dill sauce

Sauté onions, garlic and pepper until soft.

Combine all of the ingredients on one half of the pita, fold the other half over top, and place on a frying pan with a little butter or in a grilling device.
Grill until pita is browned and cheese is melted. You want it nice and hot.

For the potato, you cake bake it any way you want. I was going it quick, so i used the microwave.

Take a half a slice of cheese and chop it very finely and place on the chopped up baked potato. Put back in oven/microwave and melt the cheese.

Top potato with some BBQ sauce and ranch.


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