Chip-battered fish with home made chips and veggies

The fish is the easiest to make. Just take some small pieces of cod, haddock, or something along those lines and thaw them out. Melt some butter and add in some lemon juice (you can use beaten eggs if you'd prefer). Then in another bowl mix crushed chips of your choice, bread crumbs, spices, dill weed, and lemon pepper.
Coat the fish with the butter mixture then the bread crumb mixture and put in a greased baking sheet. Bake on 400 degrees for 20 minutes or until crispy.

To make the potato chips, slice around four or five medium sized potatoes into thin slices. Make sure they're all the same size so that they're done at the same time.
Grease a baking sheet or two and then place the patted-dry potatoes into the sheet. Brush lightly with butter and add salt or any other spices you like.
Bake in the oven at 400 for 20 minutes or until crispy.

For the vegetables, chip one clove if garlic finely, cut up onions, green and red peppers, green beans, and any other vegetables you like. Combine in a frying pan with butter and fry until veggies are soft. Add celery salt and a little bit of Greek seasoning while cooking.


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